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Politics impressed by the WIEDMANN BIBLE

The Wiedmann Bible

Updated: Apr 25, 2023

After attending the German Evangelical Church Congress in Stuttgart, she inspires national and international celebrities. Chancellor Angela Merkel showed "great sympathy" in her letter to her son Martin Wiedmann and Kofi Annan also expressed his appreciation.

Federal Minister of Labor Andrea Nahles writes: “... what a fantastic job!”, And further: “3,333 vividly shining pictures, as Leporello the longest painted Bible in the world, painted over the years in a painting style developed by the artist himself and in a specially created painting style Imagery, a passionate "language" that speaks to and impresses me - as an art enthusiast as well as a Christian. "

Willy Wiedmann's goal had always been to publish the Bible. He wanted people with learning and reading disabilities to have access to the Holy Scriptures. The first attempt failed because of the technology. Digitization was not as advanced then as it is today. That is why his children have made it their business to fulfill Willy Wiedmann's mission after his death. You want to finally share the longest painted Bible in the world with people.

Federal Finance Minister Wolfgang Schäuble said in his letter: "A great and beautiful task, I think."

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