Utterly amazing, incredible or simply WOW. That basically sums up the Mission Net Congress #MNC2015 attendees’ reactions.
Almost 2,500 people from 50 nations came together. They were prepared for 5 days of singing, talking, dancing, and having fun. As well as finding out how to stay connected with God, the world and others. They were NOT prepared, however, what they saw themselves confronted with in one of the halls.
The World’s Longest Painted Bible. One of the attendees stated that this illustrated version of the Holy Scriptures will make history one day. Abraham from South Africa was stunned.
Ayodele Fasaki from Nigeria already new of The Wiedmann Bible because he watched our documentary on Youtube. And he looked forward to seeing it in person.
We definitely had a wonderful time, great talks, and met plenty of amazing people. Until 2017. This is, however, not the last stop of The Wiedmann Bible on tour. Where will we be next? Stay tuned to find out….so much we can tell you: It will be high up in the clouds.