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ZeitGeistLuther at the Museum Soltau

The Wiedmann Bible

Updated: Apr 26, 2023

From September 11th, everything in the Museum Soltau will revolve around Bibles, book printing and the life of the people in Martin Luther's time. 500 years of the Reformation will be celebrated in Soltau with an extraordinary exhibition until November 5th. The exhibits include originals from the period up to the end of 1500, so-called cradle prints, but also facsimile editions, such as the Gutenberg Bible "B-42" or the Hundertwasser Bible. One of the highlights is the Wiedmann Bible. Three Soltau organizers have dedicatedly designed three rooms. One is dedicated to valuable rarities of religious books, another to the history and technology of printing. In a third, visitors immerse themselves in life at the beginning of the Renaissance. The fourth and last room finally shows the special addition, the presentation of the unique Wiedmann Bible by Willy Wiedmann. The title and poster of the exhibition come from the Soltau graphic artist Klaus Leven and reveal the organizers' motivation. "The aim is to convey a lively picture of Luther's time in Soltau," says Regina Loftus, who, alongside Robert Hollmann, is involved in the exhibition team for the Heimatbund. Life at that time is shown in a very practical way using old finds from the region, through demonstrations of clothing, food and social status. Children can actively explore the world of the end of the Middle Ages. Pastors Wilko Burgwal and Torsten Schoppe for the Working Group of Christian Churches are also there. "The many loans from our region came to us as a result of an appeal in the local press", the two pastors thank all supporters. “There were so many ancient and special Bibles and religious works that we had to make a selection. That is why everyone who has offered something is cordially invited to the opening on September 11th at 6 pm."

Reinhard Riedel and Renate Gerstel from the “Die Bleilaus” project, the future book printing experience workshop, took on everything to do with Gutenberg's technology during the preparation. Fritz van Rechtern was actively at their side. “Luther owes its huge media success to the invention of lead letters. It was only then that the new ideas of the Reformation were widely spread, ”the black artists are convinced. They will also show four rare extremely beautiful and precious examples of book development. The Museum Soltau is open every day from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. except Mondays. Up to and including October 29th, “The Special Day” takes place every Sunday from 2pm to 5pm. There is a focus in each of the rooms. By directly showing, explaining, telling stories about the objects, touching and participating, the visit on these days becomes a special experience. There are parking spaces 150 m away in Pastor-Rudolf-Schmidt-Weg.

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