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The countdown is running

The Wiedmann Bible

Hello Stuttgart - Hello Germany - Hello world. It starts in a few hours, #DEKT 2015. And it's full. Nothing works anymore. At least when it comes to driving a car. Well, on the other hand, that's nothing new for the Stuttgart-based company. There are lots of cars here, for what feels like far too little road. That's why we took the train to Rotebühlplatz to get to our stand in the Hospitalhof. Admittedly, it was a little difficult with all the things and the 1.166 km long hand-painted Leporello, but at least we got there.

In the Elisabeth and Albrecht Goes Hall, the final preparations are being made. Because from tomorrow to Saturday from 10.30 a.m. to 6 p.m. you'll find the longest painted Bible in the world: "The Wiedmann Bible". Willy Wiedmann would have been so proud of it. Unfortunately, he can no longer witness the premiere of his version of the Holy Scriptures. That is why his children made it a mission to fulfill his last wish. You can find the whole story here:

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