For almost two years we worked together with the German Bible Society to publish the Wiedmann Bible as a book. Now it's here - the ART edition.
Willy Wiedmann worked on his picture Bible for 16 years. The result was a 1.2 kilometer long leporello that leads through the entire Old and New Testament. It is the longest painted Bible in the world. Wiedmann painted them in the style of polycon painting, which he himself developed in the 1960s. However, it was initially not published.
Son Martin Wiedmann found the work after his father's death, founded Wiedmann Media AG and had all the images digitized. “I am always moved by the passion and the work. But it's not just like this for me, but for everyone who has got to know the Wiedmann Bible so far, ”he reports. “That's why my father's mission has become mine in the past three and a half years. I am pleased that with this edition, this globally unique work can finally be published as he always intended ”.
"The great work of art by Willy Wiedmann fits in with the Biblical City of Stuttgart and can open up a new and exciting access to the stories of the Old and New Testaments, especially for those interested in art," says the commercial and publishing director of the German Bible Society, Reiner Hellwig. “We are pleased that this Bible appears in our publishing program. Together with the selected texts from the Luther Bible 2017, something incomparable has emerged here."
The designer Manfred Rieker is one of the most famous photographers and photo designers in Germany. Among other things, he worked for the Stuttgart car brands Mercedes-Benz and Porsche and received numerous international awards. In 1984 he was accepted into the "Art Directors Club Germany". “I tried to translate Willy Wiedmann's thoughts into the present day. I was excited. It was like magic. I have also found a completely new approach to the Bible,” enthuses Rieker.
Order your personal copy of the limited edition now.